New Jersey

Animal Chiropractic Laws

New Jersey | Animal Chiropractic Summary

In general in New Jersey, the animal chiropractor authority is under the Veterinarian licensing board. There is a NJ memorandum agreement between boards that allows a chiropractor, with a vet prescription and when working in collaboration with a NJ licensed vet, to adjust an animal.


13:44-3.1 Definitions

“Practice of veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry” means to directly or indirectly diagnose, prognose, treat, correct, change, relieve or prevent animal disease, deformity, defect, injury, wound or other physical or mental condition; including the prescription or administration of any drug, medicine, biologic, apparatus, application, anesthetic or other therapeutic or diagnostic substance or technique on any animal including, but not limited to, animal acupuncture, surgical or dental operations, animal chiropractic, theriogenology, alternative or complementary veterinary medicine, surgery, including cosmetic surgery, any manual, mechanical, biological or chemical procedure for testing for the presence of any disease or pregnancy or for correcting sterility or infertility, including embryo transfer, or to render service or recommendations with regard to any of the above and all other branches of veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry. (emphasis added)

Certification Requirements


Scope of Practice

Refer to laws above.

The Chiropractic Board continues to recognize the 1994 agreement between the New Jersey Board of Chiropractic Examiners and the New Jersey Board of Veterinary Examiners which allows a licensed chiropractor to treat an animal under the terms of a referral from a licensed veterinarian. 

Public Board minutes 10/27/2016
Public Board minutes 1/24/2013
Public Board minutes 9/27/2012


Continuing Education reqirements